Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Expanding and Extending USB

USB (Universal Serial Bus) is a low cost interface connection. It is now the most common computer connection with many devices such as keyboards, printers and digital cameras using it as standard. As the number of compatible devices has grown the need to easily access them has also increased. This has meant many users now need to expand and extend the USB connectivity of their laptop or desktop computer. Expanding allows devices to be shared, split and accessed by more than one computer or enabling a computer to connect to multiple USB devices at the same time. Expanding overcomes the problems of the limited number of USB ports often supplied with modern computers, especially smaller laptops and netbooks. Extending increases the distance USB signals can be sent so a computer doesn’t have to be closely situated to the peripheral. This combats one of USB’s major limitations in that the standard maximum recommend length for a USB cable is 5m due to performance restrictions. However, for some applications for example interactive whiteboard installations, 5m is not always enough so signals need to be extended.

The most common method of expanding USB is through the use of simple USB hubs. Hubs allow multiple USB peripherals to be connected to one USB port. Hubs in turn connect to a host computer transmitting all connecting signals to it. The problem of port congestion is then solved as hubs generally have anything from 2 to 8 ports. Hubs are commonly free standing but are also built into devices such as monitors.

USB switches expand peripheral connectivity by allowing them to be shared with multiple computers. They are a cost effective solution especially useful for devices which need to be accessed by more than one computer, such as printers. They eliminate the need for duplicate devices and multiple cables. Switches alternate between computers as the users decide who has access to the equipment at that particular time.

USB sharing hubs combine the functionality of both a hub and a switch and can serve multiple USB devices between a number of computers at the same time. Just like switches, sharing hubs are ideal for larger, more expensive equipment that needs to be accessed by more than one person at a time, but with the capability that allows users to do this simultaneously.

As with expanding, extending USB can also be achieved using a number of methods. A simple way of extending USB is by using extension cables. USB extension cables are useful for extending devices over shorter distances and typically max out at around 3m in length. The ‘plug and play’ capability of extension cables makes them a simple and easy to use solution. They work with both smaller and larger devices such as card readers and printers. USB extension cables are ideal for use with wirelss dongles or with products that have built-in USB cables.

A simple, cost effective way to extend USB over very long distances is by using Cat.5 USB Extenders. As their name implies, these devices use standard Cat.5 Ethernet patch cable to make the long distance connection. A transmitter is connected to a computer via its USB port while a receiver connects to the USB peripheral at the opposite end. The two units are then connected using Cat.5 cable. Commonly used with devices such as interactive whiteboards, extenders are a great solution for connecting devices further away from a host computer than an extension cable would allow. Distances of up to 50m can be achieved; however, USB 2.0 is not usually supported so devices are limited to USB 1.1 performance of up to 11Mbps. Cat.5 USB Extenders are probably the cheapest and easiest solution for connecting a USB device and host computer over great distances.

Perhaps the ultimate form of USB extension is USB over IP servers which allow USB devices to be connected to a network. Equipment such as a standard USB printer can be transformed into a shared network device as the server provides an interface between the device and a network. It simply connects the device to a network via Ethernet so the device can be used by anyone on the network wherever they are in the world!

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Tuesday, February 24, 2009

10 Minute Trainer : Get Fit in Just 10 Minutes!

Celebrity fitness trainer, Tony Horton's newest program, the 10 Minute Trainer, isn't just another workout plan that will cost time and money without producing significant results. There are no gimmicks here. Tony will show you how to get fit and improve your health in just 10 minutes a day using his patented Super Stacking Technique and his time saving healthy eating plan. The 10 Minute Trainer is all about efficient fitness for busy lifestyles, and it will change your life!

Developed around the concept of Tony's unique Super Stacking Technique, the 10 Minute Trainer allows you to increase your heart rate, burn fat and build muscle simultaneously, resulting in fast and effective workouts. Some people think that 10 minutes a day isn't enough time to produce significant results from a workout, and they're right if they're looking at traditional workout techniques. However, the 10 Minute Trainer is anything but traditional. This program requires 10 minutes of intense training that's specifically designed to maximize the efficiency of every single movement in order to target cardiovascular fitness and muscular development at the same time. The 10 Minute Trainer uses four 10 minute routines to keep your workouts fresh and to work your body from different angles using a variety of techniques. Using variety will help to prevent burnout and training plateaus, ultimately increasing the effectiveness of the overall program.

In addition to four amazingly effective 10 Minute workouts, the 10 Minute Trainer program also provides a nutrition plan that will help shed fat quickly while improving overall health. The 10 Minute Trainer nutrition plan is also designed to accommodate hectic lifestyles. Tony has provided tips and recipes for preparing healthy meals in 10 minutes or less. By following the nutrition plan, you'll see the results of your 10 Minute Trainer workouts much more quickly.

Once you make the decision to commit to the 10 Minute Trainer program, you'll never be alone again in your quest for weight loss and fitness. The 10 Minute Trainer provides 24/7 online support in addition to workout guides, customized fitness calendars and on-the-go workout cards. Tony thought of everything when he developed this program. He thought of every excuse that busy people have for not following their workout plans and he designed easy-to-use guides and time saving plans to stop the excuses before they stop you from reaching your goals.

Whether you're a busy mom or an executive on the go, you have no more excuses to neglect your health! There are 10,080 minutes in a week - with the 10 Minute Trainer, you'll only need to commit 70 of those minutes to your health and fitness. That's just over 1-hour a week devoted to you and your personal fitness goals. Surely you're health and wellness is important enough to dedicate 1-hour a week to. So, stop the excuses and change your life today. Soon the 10 Minute Trainer will be as much a part of your day as brushing your teeth in the morning and you'll be trying to remember what your life was like when you were unhealthy and out of shape.

Author : Tim

Exercise Regimen: How To Keep Up With Your Workout Routine

Are you often finding yourself unable to stick to your exercise routine? Do you need a little help keeping up with your workout schedule? Read this article and your workout skipping days will be over.

Keep your workout enjoyable by trying new and more attractive ways to exercise. Try different sports like biking, skating, swimming or rowing instead of the regular, sometimes dull, gym exercises. Join a football or soccer team if you like these sports and have fun while keeping up with your healthy fitness habits.

Start slow and progress with your workouts slowly. For a start, exercise no more than three times a week and after a couple of weeks add another two sessions a week. Do not start with a full workout routine, give your body time to adjust and you will feel better. Make a promise to yourself to keep working out and write it in your journal. This will be your contract with yourself and it will help you keep your promise in the future. Tell to all the people around you that you have a regular exercise routine and ask them to help you keep up with it.

Make charts with your body mass index, weight and measurements. Keep a close eye on your waist, thighs and hips sizes and record them after each exercise. The charts will soon provide an extra motivation to continue the workout regimen. Try to eat healthy and learn to mix it with the exercises, but stay away from diets.

Try drinking as much water as possible, and take purified or mineral water with you when going out for an exercise. The water helps your body eliminate much of the toxins accumulated during the exercise.

Keep your mind focused on a single goal and remind yourself from time to time about it. Try to find someone to share the time when exercising, as this will make it look easier.

Try to exercise even when your are not at the gym. Ask a professional trainer to help you find out the best exercises for you and use their advices to make a good workout plan.Join a fitness group at your local gym. The workout may be more intense and mixed and you will progress faster towards your goal.

There are many ways to exercise, some of them more fun and less repetitive that can keep you interested and in great shape. Try biking, yoga or tai chi, indoor climbing or any other sport or activity that you enjoy. Keep track of your progress using a software for exercise tracking. Find a good one and install it on your computer and PDA and check your progress every now and then.

You can workout even in front of your TV or during the lunch breaks. Try making a routine out of your exercises regardless when or how you exercise. Walk instead of driving for short distances, use the subway and you will still walk more than driving. Give your car a good rest.

Remember that it takes about two weeks to make a routine, and after that your exercise regimen will come in naturally. Usually after eight weeks of exercises you will see the result and you will feel quite uplifted and happy. A good workout routine can make wonders, so try to make it better in time. Have fun!

Author : Pearle Tsuji.

How to Become more Flexible

Fitness is important to a lot of people, and no matter what shape you are in, you would probably like to be fitter. Part of becoming more fit is learning how to become more flexible. Flexibility is extremely important when it comes to fitness because it decreases the chances for injury, keeps the muscles supple and improves the look and feel of the entire body. Flexibility should never be discounted when you are starting on a fitness program. Learn how to become flexible and you will find that there are a lot of benefits; benefits that will be obvious to you in how you look and feel. If you are wondering how you can learn how to become more flexible, there are a few ways to go about it.

One of the best methods to learn how to become more flexible is through the practice of yoga. Often considered almost a religious way of life, yoga encompasses a mind and body experience that helps you feel better, stronger, and more flexible. The moves that you learn and practice in yoga help your body to become more flexible over time, as well as more balanced. There are many different kinds of yoga; some that only emphasize the physical aspects, and some that focus on the physical and mental equally. You can choose which type of yoga would probably be best for you and then take a class, or buy a good yoga video that you can follow along with at home.

Stretching exercises can help you learn how to become for flexible if you follow them faithfully. Though most stretching exercises are meant to warm up or cool down the muscles after strenuous exercise, if done properly and exaggerated a bit they can be great for improving your flexibility. When you do a set of stretching exercises, stay with them a little longer and exaggerate the movements. If you are supposed to bend over and reach toward the floor, do your best to actually try to touch the floor or even flatten your palms against it. Work each day to reach certain flexibility goals. Learning how to become more flexible is usually much safer than doing more strenuous aerobic and weight training exercise, but as with these others you should use caution. If you try to do too much too soon you could end up with a muscle injury. Gradual is always best.

If you work consistently, you will be glad that you learned how to become more flexible. You will feel a certain grace in the way you move, and you will find that there are less aches and pains. When muscles are more flexible they are less likely to be injured; and as an added bonus they hold the joints together better. Strong, flexible muscles affect the rest of your body in very positive ways, including your mind! You'll find that your attitude becomes more positive when you help your body to be the best that it can be.

Author : Samantha

Bowflex Workout - How does it Work?

Getting into better shape is a goal many men and women have. Yet acting on it can often be an entirely different subject. Most individuals are shy about going to a gym due to the volume of other people there. They may not be able to afford the membership or fit it isn't their schedule. When you work and have a family to care for your own needs often get pushed aside.

With a Bowflex workout though you get a piece of equipment that you use in your home. It is for both men and women and it offers a variety of different exercises that you can perform on it. In that regard it is like having an entire gym at your disposal. You can workout when it is convenient for you and no one else is going to be around for you to be intimidated by.

The Bowflex workout comes with a video that shows you the right way to use all of the functions. This is a great tool that you want to use because it is important for you to perform each exercise correctly. You can risk injuring yourself if you aren't using the Bowflex correctly. You also won't get the benefits from this piece of equipment if you aren't working your muscles the right way. That can be disappointing if you are committing the time to workout but not getting results.

When you start to use the Bowflex workout system you want to start at your current fitness level. That is going to vary for each individual. You also want to have goals in mind for you to continue improving from where you are right now. Have a log where you write down what exercises you do and the number of repetitions. Then you can set a goal to increase those repetitions by a certain number over the course of time.

However, you don't want to work out with the Bowflex for more than 30 minutes each day. You should be doing intense workouts that focus on specific areas of muscles. You want to have at least one day of rest for each muscle group before you work it again. It is during this resting period that your muscles will grow and your body will firm up.

Bowflex makes it very affordable to get such a piece of equipment. You get to use it for three months before you pay anything. So if you find it isn't right for you then send it back and owe them nothing. If you decide to keep it then you make small monthly payments until it is paid in full. Most people find that the Bowflex workout is easy to incorporate and that they do get amazing results though.

Author : Kurtis Hoeck